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Kit List For Overnight Hostel Visits

When packing for the night walk and overnight in Knockree Hostel this weekend, you will need to bring two bags. A small daypack / rucksack to bring on the walk and a bigger bag to leave at the hostel. The second bag with your overnight kit doesn't have to be a rucksack as we will not be carrying them far. However, suitcases do take up a lot of room when empty and aren't very “Scouty”!

When you pack , it is a good idea to organise things in a number of plastic bags so that stuff stays organised. If you use clear Zip-lock bags you will be able to see what is in the bags and easily reseal them.

Remember to put your name on EVERYTHING. Including the bags you are packing stuff into. A permanent marker is good for this.

Bring a spare big plastic bag to put any used / wet clothes in on the way home.


Getting your Beaver(s) to take responsibility for, and to pack their kit, for the night away is a good learning opportunity for them. Using this checklist should help them bring what they need & no more!


For the walk….


Waterproof jacket

Waterproof trousers

Hi visibility vest / jacket

Waterproof footwear with good grip – walking boots or wellies

Warm hat


(Head) torch with fresh batteries

Water bottle


Small daypack

Compass (Optional)

For eating….

Plate & bowl

Knife, fork, spoon


For sleeping…..

Sleeping bag



For washing…..



Small towel

For changing…...


Long trousers



Fleece / jumper

Shoes (runners)