How it works:

  1. Submit the form. You will see a confirmation message and receive a receipt by email.
  2. Please do not submit more than one application per child.
  3. When a place becomes available you will be contacted via the email you provided to us.
  4. Once a place in scouts has been offered it will expire if after two weeks, no reply has been received. Expired offers will re-join the waiting list and the offer will move to the next available applicant.

Warning! It is your responsibility to inform us if your contact details change.

Adult Members:

If you wish to become an adult member of Greystones Sea Scouts you can contact us directly.

In line with Scouting Ireland Policy all of our adult members are subject to Garda Vetting and child protection training.

Contact Us:

If you are have have any other questions you can contact us by email or Facebook.